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Resource Efficiency for Sustainable Wellbeing of All

For centuries, our development and economic prosperity has depended on production of more and more goods and services. This has led to an ever-growing consumption of natural resources, which in turn has required an ever-increasing extraction and depletion of these resources from Mother Earth. The emerging results are severe threats …

Environment Education is the Need of the Hour

While India has one of the fastest growing population in the world today, it is far behind most others when it comes to preserving the environment and the ecology. Air pollution, ground water depletion, climate change, use of plastics, garbage disposal and sanitation, loss of biodiversity are some of the …

Is Sustainable Tourism a New Idea?

The World Tourism and Travel Council estimates that the tourism sector will grow at a rate of 7% annually over the next decade1, an estimate that may well be somewhat conservative. The sector can also generate significant demand for transportation, resource-heavy infrastructure and energy-intensive activities leading to undesirable ecological damage …

Reducing our Plastic Footprint

Over the past three hundred years, technology has unquestionably enhanced the life and well-being of a greater portion of humanity than in all of the human history that went before.  Ordinary people can now live longer, healthier and more fulfilling lives than even the mightiest potentates of earlier times. Yet, …

Taking Charge of the Waste We Produce

Across India, 43 million tonnes of solid waste is collected annually. Out of this, a mere 22% is treated and the rest 72% is dumped at landfill sites. This dumping of waste is causing serious health problems seen in the form of breathing issues, bacterial infections and increase in cardiovascular …

Sustainable Agriculture – Calling for a Plurality of Indicators

Food and nutrition security are possibly the most basic of human needs, yet these continue to be major unmet challenges at the global level. SDG 2, by coupling mandates of food and nutrition security with sustainable agriculture, underscores the critical role required to be played by sustainable agriculture in addressing …